C2STEM is a multi-institutional project that employs Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) Principles to design and develop a Collaborative, Computational STEM (C2STEM) learning environment. C2STEM employs a novel learning-by-modeling paradigm that combines visual programming with domain specific modeling languages (DSMLs) to promote disciplinary (e.g., Physics, Earth Science) computational modeling, while providing synergistic learning of discipline-specific and CS (CT) concepts and practices.

  • Challenge-based, ECD of STEM curricula to meet NGSS & state science standards.
  • Low threshold, wide walls, high ceiling: accomplished through domain-specific block structured languages to support learning.
  • Coupled multi-level representations to support learning: conceptual modeling & inquiry components offer new forms of decomposing & exploring STEM domain.
  • Synergistic Learning: emphasis on integrating CT with existing science curricula - complementary approach to CSforAll!
  • Integrated assessment of STEM & CT: Utilize ECD & Preparation for Future Learning assessments for measuring learning gains & characterizing learning processes.
  • Collaborative model building for enhancing interpersonal & problem-solving skills.
  • Teacher collaboration to align with classroom curricula & activities.

About C2STEM

C2STEM aims to leverage the synergies between STEM and computing education to support learning with understanding that is active and engaging. Learn more about our environment and see if we are a fit for your classroom!

Contact Us

Vanderbilt University • Nashville, TN • USA
(615) 322-8756